
Our House






New House


Our modern house

Front     view


This is the house seen from the street.

Back     view


Garden is facing south, very sunny.

Our dog Sem


Sem is looking for his friends.






Living room


In the livingroom there is a fireplace...






Spacious     modern     kitchen


The kitchen is equipped with a microwave, oven , dishwasher and a steamer...






In the     bathroom


Small but convenient...


A second bathroom is not yet finished.





The     Parents     Bedroom


A large lit-jumeaux...





Our     Daughter's     bedroom


It's a room with two levels, the stairs are leading to her bed. Downstairs is a lot of playing space and a TV.





Our son's     bedroom


A spacious room with computer, TV and gamecube ...





Our hallway


Very spacious entrance..



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