



  • “How free is our will”?
    • "Will flows through us and from us, guided by our directing intelligence. We can rise along the pathway of our inmost self to the gods, or descend deeper into matter, because 'individual human beings always have their native free will unimpeded and uncoerced. . . . Man always can change his own feelings, his own thoughts, and necessarily, therefore, his own acts'."


  • The origin of Christianity.”
    "We would like to show that Christianity was not new, but derived from what went before; that its cardinal doctrines are held in common with older religions; and that many of its rites and dogmas are adopted from what is called pagan belief. All religions in their origin teach the divinity of man; but this teaching is afterwards hustled out of sight, and in its place we have a credal system supported by a hierarchy, by which salvation is made conditional upon the acceptance of certain doctrines and conformity to certain requirements."


  • “Am I my brothers keeper”?

    "Is it our duty to interfere if we see wrong being done? Is duty the performance of acts which others think I ought to perform? Or the performance of actions by me which I know are good for others"?

  • “Another chat with god, 5000 years ago.”

    The Anugita is an ancient Indian text dated more than 5000 years ago, it recently has been, for the first time available in the Dutch language, based on the English translating by K.T. Telang (Wizards Bookshelf, San Diego CA). The Anugita is a continuation of the discourse between Krishna and Arjuna in the Bhagavadgita in which Krishna gives a broader unfolding of teachings with many mystical allusions. The translator Mr. Jansma will give a lecture on this book.

  • The doctrine of cycles

    Cycles are so common that we take them for granted as much as we do the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the solid earth under our feet. We cannot imagine what our world would be like without the familiar repetition of light and darkness every twenty-four hours, of the year's regular seasons -- these things that keep pace with the planet's daily rotation and its yearly course around the sun.

  • Creating true peace

    Under construction


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