After a long drive to Swakopmund we had a day to rest. It was necessary because we were dead tired. The last two hours the day before we drove in the dark. On the dark gravelroads are no lines painted and so now and then I saw a reflector or a reading. Besides that we had to be careful for animals.

In short: never drive in the dark, even the Namibians don't do so if it's not really necessary.

Swakopmund is a little German Village: there is a German primary school, they speak German and there is a Bismarckstrasse. It's a bathingplace with a enormous sandy beach: 50 km with if you include the desert. There is nothing to do in wintertime. A place to rest, to make no pictures and to leave as soon as possible. So we did.

In summertime Namibian people who come here to cool down crowd it. In the inland the temperature rises above 40 degree Celsius. We slept on a campsite "mile 4". In summertime crowded but now an empty sandy place.

South of Swakopmund lies Walvis Bay. A small village with a sea harbor, some industry and "saltmines". Nearby is a large colony of flamingos. This is certainly worth a visit.

A strange natural phenomenon in this coast area is the fog. This moment it is a shiny sunny day and 5 minutes later there is a dense fog. Like clouds (in fact they are clouds) they float over the sea.

Copyright T.Theune