Training and suction fish

09-02-2006, Monaco (Ko Stroo)


Joost, Jos and Gijs arrived with the boat on Monday morning, and prepared the boat for sailing. The rest of the crew arrived on Tuesday afternoon.


Wednesday and Thursday we explored the Monaco waters and did some training. Jos, our shore manager, has brought his inflatable boat to make video's from our boat handling and sail trim. With the casino as a background our green boat looked beautiful.


We also had a very strange encounter with a local species. During speed trials Jochem called for a weed check at the stern, because the boat felt slow. In general this is caused by weed which get stuck in the rudder and causing extra drag. But not this time, a sort of eel had attached itself to the hull close to the stern. It looked like it was trying to eat our green hull. We tried to lose it by tacking, but it still persisted on hanging on. Finally after 5 minutes it let go, when Fezi tried to get it into a bucket. A few hours later a smaller version of the eel also sucked to the hull. We surely hope our green hull won't attract more eels during the Primo Cup.