Mirror Matter    References and Links


There are many possible applications of mirror matter if the parameter epsilon is not too small (larger than about 10^(-10)). An antenna made of a mixture of a mirror metal and an ordinary metal can be used to transmit and receive mirror radio waves. You only need to connect an ordinary radio/transmitter to this antenna to listen/transmit! Since mirror radio waves can propagate through the earth (to be precise a certain linear combination of ordinary radio waves and mirror radio waves that has exactly zero interactions with ordinary matter can propagate through the Earth and picked up by the antenna), communication satellites may become obsolete.

Another application sounds too good to be true. Observe that a piece of mirror matter on Earth would have a very low temperature. This is because like ordinary matter bodies they radiate electromagnetic energy away (in the form of mirror photons instead of ordinary photons), but unlike ordinary matter bodies the mirror body will absorb almost no electromagnetic energy, simply because there is only a very small amount of energy in the form of mirror photons to be absorbed here (the nearest mirror star is probably very far away). If epsilon is larger than 10^(-10), heat transport between the ordinary matter component of a mixture of ordinary and mirror matter becomes so effective that the mirror component will only be slightly colder. A small amount of ordinary matter brought into contact with a large mirror body would thus be cooled to near absolute zero. It is thus possible to build a heat engine that converts energy from the environment partially into work, while dumping a part into the mirror world. We would thus have free energy! Of course, the energy ultimately comes from our Sun, and we would have to use a huge amount to get a noticeable global cooling effect!

Mirror Matter    References and Links