Ch. Serra Parecis Goo Goo Doll

Owner: Serra Parecis & Kelly de Meijer/NL

* International Champion
* Dutch Champion
* Belgian Champion
* Luxembourg Champion
* German Champion (VDH)
* Amsterdam Winner 2003
* Bundessiegerin 2005
* Europasiegerin 2005
* Landessiegerin DAC West
* NO.1 Afghan female in Belgium 2004 & 2005
* Amsterdam Winner 2009 (out of veteran class)
* Dutch Veteran Champion* & vet-BIS1
*to be confirmed
Beertje is the mother of the Thuja B-litter.  






Beertje above, left and below pictured at 6 years of age.



Beertje on the move in Weiswampach 2006 where she won the CAC, picture by S. van der Heijden

The pedigree & pictures of the parents to be found at 'litters'