Power that repays with power, the law of cause and effect, is an unrelenting law in the universe.
Lower instincts try to hide. The man that inwardly knows that he concentrates on the wrong way, can't bear the light, because his conscience brings charges against him. When our inwardly concentrated powers are directed in a material or emotional way, we'll make the emotional mental body ill.This beast has to be banned by willpower and purification of thoughts.

The light of the logos is identical to the pneuma= breath = the holy spirit = esoterically the original force that underlies material in every stadium, yes, is the causing moment of all symptoms in the world in which we live. It is a power from what all forces which are present in the cosmosdifferentiate. Astronomically, the zodiac is a belt in the sky of about 17 degrees wide, in which are the twelve constella-tions. The sun goes through all of those, during the year it goes round the ecliptic. Every constellation is said to symbolise a principle, force or quality in man himself. The total system, however, forms a symbolical being, depicted in the starry sky. If a man tried to use his higher thinking, this would be an attack on his inner self, which needs reforming.
Because of this, one can at first experience mental and physical discomfort.In this process, relaxation is important; therefore remember that the thinking rises from the not-thinking and consequently, the not-thinking is a higher form.