Wars: in and outside our bodies arise owing to a oneself manifesting collective urge for destruction. Total peace starts within the individual itself. When our higher qualities have the upper hand, the lower impulses form automatically on behalf of the higher ones. Grief is the force that shows us in what way we shouldn't build; we can experience joy by concentrating on positive aims. The subjective area is the inner aiming cause of the being and acting of our bodies.
Eventually, when mankind loathes its negative desires, it will return to the being of its higher nature and comes gradually back to the house of the father. Now that the higher thinking develops, mankind may contemplate inwardly in other areas, too. Humanity can now spiritually realise what wasn't under-stood formerly.
Let's realise that our immortal solar bodies interpret a world, in which entirely other symptoms are present.

Can the intellectual man explain the being of things?
Forces can be measured and compared to each other; the willpower that is present in the consciousness can't be measured, just like the emotional radiation of love.
We see the development of our human bodies, but we have no supposition with relation to the creator.
Not everything can be explained with the systematic rotation of molecules, atoms and electrons.
Scientifically, we live in our watchconsciousness. Behind the watchconsciousness there's something else, which can be taken back to its immortal being, the ancient source in which mankind found its origin. When this heaven will be opened, other areas can be perceived.
If our consciousness is able to receive entirely new impulses,unlimited powers will come into operation. Even with only our eyes great forces can be put into operation