
Length of lesson:

10 weeks = 18 lessons

Grade level:

Fifth form  school for pre-university education.

Subject area:



Introduce students to American literature and British literature.

The students will read the same American novel.

The students will read the same British novel.

The students learn to make important notes about a novel, so that they can take part in discussion during class.

The students learn to work in pairs, dividing work, while writing a paper about a certain essay topic.

The students will learn to present a topic of choice in which they compare the two novels. They will present this topic in front of the class and will be evaluated by their fellow students and their teacher.

The students will be able to speak English in such a way that the audience will be able to understand their argumentation during the presentation.

The students will be able to evaluate each other according to the evaluation form (bottom page)

With this lesson plan, I hope students will get acquainted with an American writer and one of his novels and a British writer and one of his novels. I also hope they will be able to write a paper about both novels and finally they will discuss a topic of choice in front of an audience. The students can choose from a variety of essay topics. The writing of this essay will force the students to go more deeply into the story and it will also help them to enhance their knowledge of the novel. The ultimate goal is that the students will freely talk about a subject concerning both novels. They will compare both novels on this subject and will be able to convince the audience of their arguments about this subject.

This website will help the students to get a good idea of the background of both writers and their novels. Besides all this information, the website will provide them with a  lot of important links that will help them to create two well-founded essays on a particular subject and a presentation, comparing the two novels on a specific subject of the students’ choice.


The novel:  The Scarlet Letter  by Nathaniel Hawthorne

The novel:  A Passage to India by E.M. Forster

The Internet and this website.


Instruction for the students:


  1. We will read both novels in a two month’s (week 38 – 45) time. We will start our literature classes with The Scarlet Letter (week 38 – 41)  and at the end of those 4 weeks, I’ll expect you to hand in your essay about one of the topics you will find on this page. Do not worry about the short time you will have to write this essay; you will be able to work on your essay during the literature classes as well, so that I can assist you if necessary. The first two weeks I will schedule two literature lessons a week  The third and fourth week there will only be one literature lesson a week. You will have to work on your essay at home in order to be able to hand it in on 10 October.
  2. We will continue with A Passage to India (week 42 – 45) and of course I will expect you to hand in your essay about one of the topics you choice (7 November)
  3. The last two weeks will be used to compare both novels on one of the topics mentioned below or on a topic of your own choice and give a presentation in class about this topic.(21 and 25 November)

Lesson plan literature lessons: The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne.

 (16/09 - 10/10: week 38 – week 41)



  1. Week 38: 16/09            Introduction to The Scarlet Letter in class and  film fragments of

this novel. Choose a partner to work with.

  1. Week 38: 19/09            Have read from the Custom House to ch. 10. (Make sure to

make notes about  those chapters). We will discuss the chapters in class. Decide which essay topic you are going to write about and inform me about it.

  1. Week 39: 23/09            Have read from ch.11 to ch.18 and make sure to make notes.

Start working on your essay on the computer in class. Use the information of the website about The Scarlet Letter and the many links you will find on this website.

  1. Week 39: 26/9            Have read from ch.19 to ch.24. We will discuss the chapters in 

Class. Work on you essay.

  1. Week 40: 03/10            Work on you essay.
  2. Week 41: 10/10             HAND IN YOUR ESSAY. If not ready yet: you can use this

lesson for the final touch. Ready? Use the website to familiarise yourselves with the author of the next novel that we are going to read. Find out what the novel is about and make notes.

Lesson plan literature lessons: A Passage to India by E.M. Forster.

( 14/10 – 07/11: week 42 – week 45)


  1. Week 42: 14/10            Introduction to A Passage to India and watching film fragments

of this novel.. Choose a new partner to work with.

  1. Week 42: 17/10            Have read Part I: Mosque (make sure you make notes about Part

I; it will allow you to take part in discussion during class) Part I

will be discussed in class. Decide which essay topic you are going to write about and inform me about it.

  1. Week 43: 21/10            Have read Part II: Caves (make sure you make notes about Part

II; it will allow you to take part in discussion during class). We will discuss Part II in class. Work on your essay on the computer in class. Use the information on the website about A Passage to India and use the many links you will find on this website.

  1. Week 43: 24/10            Have read Part III: Temple (make sure you make notes about

Part III; it will allow you to take part in discussion during class).

Part III will be discussed in class. Work on your essay, using the website.

  1. Week 44: 31/10            Work on your essay.
  2. Week 45: 07/11            HAND IN YOUR ESSAY. If not ready yet, you can use this

lesson for the final touch. Ready? Have a look at your final assignment: an oral presentation with two partners about a topic that enables you to compare the two novels: The Scarlet Letter and A Passage to India. Choose two partners to work with and let me know which persons are in your group.


  Lesson plan literature lessons : oral presentation : comparison The Scarlet Letter and A Passage to India.


  1. Week 46 : 11/11            Let me know about the topic you are planning to have your oral

presentation about. Let me know which group you are in.

Work on your presentation.

  1. Week 46: 14/11            Work on your presentation and create visual material to support

your arguments and statements.

  1. Week 47: 18/11            Work on your presentation and create visual material to support

your arguments and statements.

  1. Week 47: 21/11             Presentation in class: groups 1, 2, 3 and 4.
  2. Week 48: 25/11            Presentation in class: groups 5, 6, 7 and 8
  3. Week 48: 28/11            Evaluation groups by teacher and students.


Paper assignment about The Scarlet Letter and  A Passage to India.


Write a paper of at least 4  A4 and no more than 6  A4, typed/computer-printed (including some illustrations). You are to pick one of these essay topics and write a well-organised paper about it



  • Work in pairs.
  • Draw up a timetable of things to be done. Divide the work between you.
  • Use the Internet and this website to look up information.
  • Write a paper of at least 4  A4 and no more than 6  A4 (including illustrations)
  • Write in English and use your own words. Do not copy sentences from the Internet.
  • Check with me every Friday (English lesson) and show me your progress.
  • You will have 5 weeks to work on your paper.
  • Mention the sources you used (Internet sites, books, films, etc)
  • Your paper will be graded.

  Advice for a better paper


  • Be sure to answer the question.
  • Try to get a complete statement of the thesis of the paper at the end of the introduction, not the end of the paper.
  • Give your paper a meaningful title, one that contains some key words from your argument.
  • Take the time to rewrite.
  • Have someone else read a draft before you rewrite it.
  • When you come up with your thesis statement be sure it makes a claim that someone could possibly disagree with.
  • Use direct quotations from the text to support your statements/arguments.

Contents of your paper/work.


  1. Introduction
  2. Information about both writers: Nathaniel Hawthorne or E.M. Forster (short biography)
  3. What was America like in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s time.

What was England like in E.M. Forster’s time.

(Think about social structures, the importance of religion, politics etc. 1  A4)


Use the rest of the pages for your comments on one of the themes on The Scarlet Letter and  A Passage to India. Do not forget to use some illustrations as well.


  1. Choose one of the themes, mentioned below, to write about.



Paper Topics on The Scarlet Letter.


  • Hawthorne’s opinion of the Puritans may be understood by examining their actions within the novel and the narrator’s comment on them. What is Hawthorne’s opinion of the Puritans according to you?

Think of: - The ministers

    - The common people and their attitudes toward work and relaxation,

       their religious beliefs and their attitudes toward Hester and Pearl..


  • Hester Pryne has several conflicts. Choose two of her conflicts and describe the conflict and  how she deals with it.

1.      Conflict with herself

2.      Conflict with the community

3.      Conflict with nature

4.      Conflict with the supernatural


  • Discuss the function of physical setting in the novel. What is the relationship between the book’s events and the locations in which these events take place? Do things happen in the forest that could not happen in the town? What about time of day? Does night bring with it a set of rules that differs from those of the daytime?


  • Describe Chillingworth’s  “revenge”. Why does he choose to torture Dimmesdale and Hester when he could simply reveal that he is Hester’s husband? What does this imply about justice? About Evil?


  • Examine some of the many symbols surrounding Hester Pryne, including the scarlet letter, her apparel and her occupation. What is the purpose of these symbols and what do they stand for, according to you?



Write a paper of at least 4  A4 and no more than 6  A4, typed/computer-printed (including some illustrations). You are to pick one of these essay topics and write a well-organised paper about it.


Paper topics on  A Passage to India.


  • What is the significance of the titles of each section in the novel: Mosque, Caves and Temple?


  • How is the theme of friendship developed and how does it reflect the theme of culture clash?


  • What is the role of nature in A Passage to India?


  • Compare Forster’s depiction of the English in Chandrapore with his depiction of Aziz’s Indian community. Do the two groups have any similarities? Does Forster portray one group more sympathetically?


  • What part does sexuality play in the novel? Consider any differences of opinion about sexuality between Fielding and Aziz and between Ronny and Adela.


  • What is the significance of those strange, echoing Marabar caves? What is the effect of the “boum” sound on some of the characters and on the rest of the story?





1.         Work in a group of three. You have two weeks to prepare yourselves for the presentation.

2.         A presentation must take no longer than 10 minutes.

3.         Choose a topic that interests all three of you and that is available in both novels.

4.         As a group, agree on the procedure of the presentation.: who will take what part of the presentation on his/her account., organisation of discussion etc

5.         Make sure that there is at least one visual element in your presentation.

6.         Bear in mind that your audience must be able to see the visual material.



Suggestions for the oral presentation about The Scarlet Letter and A Passage to India.


These three themes are only suggestions and I would really like you to find your own topic for a presentation. You have read both novels and are quite familiar with them. Find a subject that enables you to compare both novels. Think of:

  • Religion
  • Description of  characters (changes in characters)
  • Events in the plot of the story
  • Minority groups in the novel
  • Description of setting and/or changes in settings
  • Symbolism
  • Conflicts
  • Nature and its role in both novels


Please, inform me about the topic you have chosen on  11 November. If you cannot find a suitable topic, let me know and I will help you to find one.



Theme 1.       


  • How are the Puritans represented in The Scarlet Letter and how are Christians  represented in A Passage to India. Are there any similarities?


Theme 2. 


  • Compare Adela and Hester. Both are in conflict with a group. Hester is in conflict with the Puritan community and Adela is in conflict with the British community in Chandrapore. How do the two women react and how do both communities react?

What else do the two women have in common?


Theme 3.


  • Discuss the supernatural in the two novels. Why do the authors use the supernatural in their novel?



Theme 4.


  • Choose an implausible or strikingly unrealistic incident or character in both novels. Explain how the incident or character is related to the more realistic or plausible elements in the rest of the works. Compare the two incidents or characters with each other and work out if there are any similarities and why these incidents or characters are used by the author. What is their use in the story?


Evaluation form: Presentation.                                            (source: Going Global

                                                                                                                                                             Workbook 4 vwo)



1.      Did the speaker perform the task as it was set?


Yes          No ………………………………………………………………


  1. Did the speaker perform the task in the set time?


   Yes           No ………………………………………………………………


  1. Did the speaker sound interested and convincing?


       Yes                  No ……………………………………………………………….


  1. Did the speaker manage to speak English all the time?


       Yes                 Practically all the time                No ………………………




  1. Did the speaker manage to pronounce difficult words correctly?


       Yes (example)………………….            No (example)            ……………………………


 ………………………………………            ……………………………………………


  1. What are the speaker’s strong points?






  1. What are the speaker’s weak points?






  1. Write two pieces of advice for each student you have monitored.



