Using a FUJIFILM S304 USB camera with slack-9.0.

There is nothing difficult in using this camera with slackware-9.0 (or
any other distro i would imagen), all one needs to use is the default
2.4.20 kernel which comes with slack-9.0.
I needed to do nothing to get it to work, simply plugged the camera into
a usb socket and looked to see what 'dmesg' had to say about it, you should
see something like the following, (depending on camera type and model number).

hub.c: new USB device 00:11.2-1, assigned address 2
usb.c: USB device 2 (vend/prod 0x4cb/0x11a) is not claimed by any active driver.
Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
usb.c: registered new driver usb-storage
scsi1 : SCSI emulation for USB Mass Storage devices
Vendor: FUJIFILM Model: USB-DRIVEUNIT Rev: 1.00
Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02
Attached scsi removable disk sda at scsi1, channel 0, id 0, lun 0
SCSI device sda: 32000 512-byte hdwr sectors (16 MB)
sda: Write Protect is off
sda: sda1
WARNING: USB Mass Storage data integrity not assured

One now needs to mount the device, i first tryed all of this as root of
course, so if one does the following "users" can mount the camera.

mkdir /camera
Change permissions (if nessasary for uses to access /camera)
Edit /etc/fstab add the following.

/dev/sda1 /camera auto noauto,users 0 0

NOTE, if you have any other SCSI disks then make sure you change
/dev/sda1 to suit your system.

I use the following script to get the film(s) and photo's, i delete
the files on the camera at the same time.

Cut here.

newdir=`date +%d-%m_%T`
/bin/mkdir /home/pa3gcu/camera/$newdir
/bin/mount /camera
/bin/mv /camera/dcim/100_fuji/* /home/pa3gcu/camera/$newdir
/bin/umount /camera

Cut here.

I call the script 'empty-camera', place the above (if you intend to use
it) in your $HOMR dir, issue the command, 'chmod a+x empty-camera'
(without quotes of course) to make it executable.
BEFORE you do anything else, edit the script and replace "pa3gcu" with
the name of your $HOME dir.
Also you will need to create a new dir, called "camera" in your $HOME dir,
before using the script, otherwise it will fail.

The script does the following.
Creates a directory in $HOME/camera with the date and time of execution,
this because photo's are always called dscf000x.jpg(where x increases by
one for every photo) and dscf000x.avi for films.
{I have not really looked to see if the camera itself will title photo's
and films any other way.}
Mounts the camera.
Moves the contents of /dev/sda1 to $HOME/camera/newdir
Umounts the camera, thats it.

During the script exection you will see a red blinking led on the
top/front of the camera, when it stops the job is done.
I use "mplayer" for avi's its to be found at;
  • Mplayer home page..

  • For photos i use the standard slack-installed 'kview'.
    Thats it.
    More info about these types of Fujifilm camera's can be found at;
  • Fujifilm's homepage.
  • home