Le Blanc Guide
I have been enjoying LeBlanc a lot the past couple of weeks, and I have had really good results with her in soloQ. LeBlanc is a really fun and versatile champion. She can both have heavy CC or do high burst. LeBlanc has one of the highest skillcaps in the game and incredible outplay potential which makes her really fun to play.

• Insane Burst
• High mobility
• Strong Roamer
• Can snowball out of controll
• Fun to play
• Horrible to play against

• Falls off late game unless fed
• Very squishy
• Easy to fail your combos
• Weak farmer under tower

vs AP:

vs AD:

I always use the same masterie page on Le Blanc.

Skill order
Always max your w first. It gives wave clear and mobility. You only lose a little bit damage if you max your w first in stead of your q.

Summoner spells

There is a reason everyone takes this, it provides a lot of safety throughout the whole game while it is available. Even though you have two dashes as part of your kit I strongly recommend this. Flash has great synergy with the rest of LeBlanc’s kit, both defensively and offensively, particularly with the dash and return of Distortion (W) and Mimic (R). Flash can be used to effectively extend the range of Distortion by using it in the middle of you (W) combo to gain extra distance and still use (W) to hop back to the start point. Combined with Distortion (W) and Mimic (R) you are one of the most slippery champs in the game.

Ignite for extra damage and to secure kills, Leblanc is a champion that relies on snowballing in the early game to stay relevant late game. Ignite can really make a difference in early trades, which are often the most important, sitting the pace for the rest of the game. It can often add the last bit of damage needed to kill an escaping opponent that otherwise would have gotten away.
The heal debuff can also be very helpful when engaging champions such as Swain that have strong heals.

I think there is no need for them. You can lane safe enough with your mobillity and flash. Also you are an assassin, securing kills with your ignite is essential for snowballing the game.

There are 2 major build paths you can follow. The assassin path for snowballing and roaming or the more safe laning path for farming and splitpushing later in the game. I will also note if you take the assassin path you have to be sure you get your blue buffs. If you are not 100% sure then take the safer route.

Assassin path:

Safe laning path:

I normally sell the dorans ring for a Gaurdians Angel or a Banshees Vail. You can also go full glass cannon but i only do that if i am extremely fed.

Final Words
I won't go in to detail about match ups and early/mid/late game scenarios. I find you can only use them if you are playing on the highest lvl. What i described are just the basics that you need to start playing Le Blanc. I hope you learned something and if you want to play with me contact me on my twitter page.