Tuesday 30th may 2000

Tuesday was gone be the day of the big drive. We had to do 400km from St. Job in't Goor to Hessisch-Oldendorf and the convoy had grown to 17 cars by now! We cruised at a steady 80km per hour without much problems untill we came verry near to the last exit of the autobahn. The CB and mobile phone network in some of the vans reported that Terry had some serious problems with one of his wheels. It was only held on by 1 bolt! It was safer to get the convoy to it final destination a few milles up the road, then to stop all the cars on the hard shoulder. The problem was fixed and they could procided their journey. Steve S. and Jon had stopped to wait for them at the exit, but somehow they missed eachother and they waited for another hour.
Half the group had opted to stay in a local hotel for the night, so we decided to check in first before we would headed out to the Grundmann collection. The others where gona camp in the parkinglot of the grundmann's workshop, but when we got there they got offered the use of an old railway sleepercar!

This collection has some of the rarest stuff in the world. All kinds of wartime cars and paperwork. Tons of rometsch stuff, rare parts galore and cheap as well !!! I bought some NOS spliity rear-light units for Dm 10,- each.