Have a look at Deacon blue

For now;

Known albums;

When the world knows your name
Ooh Las Vegas (double)
Fellow Hoodlums
Whatever you say say nothing

Other stuff

Band info

Other stuff

Michael is a real DB music recycler, check this out !!

Here are Brian "Bart" Simsons pages of more Deacon Blue info

F e l l o w H o o d l u m s

macsavvy@primenet.com Michael Boyd, Los Angeles, CA USA

cbap69@ccsun.strath.ac.uk Brian "Bart" Simpson, Houston, Scotland

jolli@centrum.is Sverrir "Jolli" Hreidarsson, Iceland

bau95437@ccsun.strath.ac.uk Trevor Mathers, Britain

Grendle13@aol.com "Grendle," Bronxville (just on the safe side of the Bronx River --- local version of the Clyde.), New York USA

Last update 20 Oct '95
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