People With Parkinson's WebRing - Information

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For info please mail me.

To see an example of a web site that qualifies to join the Ring for a member who "knows nothing about computers," know about computers, web design, HTML code and go here. It contains everything you need to home pages.

The PWP WebRing's sole purpose is to bring together sites that are (1) composed mainly of information related to Parkinson's Disease and (2) homepages of those folks who have been touched by Parkinson's and who have stories or articles sharing the experience. The Ring is designed to enable a person seeking information and personal experience stories to travel from one site to another, gathering knowledge as they travel through the ring.

Commercial sites that are not related to Parkinson's can NOT join. If your site sells wicker baskets, this ring isn't for you. If your site sells books about Elderpryl or Nutrition and PD, then yes, you are an important part of this community.