MARCUS ``MOSIAH`` GARVEY                                    

                                         "A race without authority and power is a race without respect."


After reading this paper, one can clearly see the impression Marcus Mosiah Garvey made on the lives of so many people. Garvey’s voyage to the United States created one of the most empowering movements in history. He enlightened so many black people and revealed to them that they can have respect and dignity in their race. Marcus created the UNIA and had numerous goals he wanted it to achieve, in Garvey’s words he says,

``We’ve got to teach the American Negro blackness, black ideals, black industry, black United States, and black religion. Blacks of the entire universe, linked up with one determination, that of liberating themselves and freeing the great country of Africa that is ours by right. ``

These words gave many black people the ability to feel unified and equal. As you saw throughout this paper Garvey did not only affect black people in the United States, but he gave Rastafarians in Jamaica the reassurance to create their own movement, the Rastafarian movement. Garvey was regarded second to Hallie Selassie, the Rasta’s king of kings. Garvey’s influence on the Rastafarians is still so apparent, because if one listens to the lyrics in reggae music they will hear Garvey’s name or movement being acknowledged and spread. With the help of the Rastafarians Garvey’s name will never be forgotten and his legend will live on forever.

